Certain foods don’t digest well together. Use the following rule for food consumption.

Protiens require acidic gastric juices when starches require basic PH levels. Therefore starches ( breads, pastas and potatoes) and protiens should be eaten at seperate meals. You should decide whether your meal is a protien or starch meal and then combine with a vegetable.

Fresh Fruit|Fresh Vegetables|Nuts|Oatmeal|Fresh Juices|Legume

Garlic|Onions|Salad|Fruit Salad|No Bread|Little Dairy|No Additives

Nuts|Pretzels|Seeds|Raisins|Natural Desserts|Dry Cereal

  • Eat meals throughout the day (about 6), unless you are doing intermittent fasting
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well
  • Only eat when you’re hungry
  • Eat dairy, saturated fats, and goods high in cholesterol sparingly, unless using a speacialized diet
  • Limit the amount of canned or processed foods